New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author

Monday Musings…and a Brand New Look at My Current WIP

A few thoughts on this Monday. 

I’m going to try to post a bit more than once a month! I find I like hearing from some of my favorite authors, seeing what they’re up to. So what am I up to?

  • Enjoyed the Super Bowl. Have to say, I loved the Doritos and Mountain Dew commercial. Epic.
  • So glad the Eagles won.
  • Gearing up for lots of work this week, just because.  🙂 
  • Still haven’t won the lottery.
  • I’m looking at a new cover for one of my Ethereal Foes books. And it ROCKS.
  • Trying to find a balance for writing, Romance Junkies, life, and my mother’s visit. It ain’t easy…

Happy Monday to you. Here’s a brand new snippet of my current WIP, the first in my Movin’ On series.

“Bear with me.” They went over more numbers, enough to make his head spin. In certain demographics, they seemed to hit the mark, while missing entirely in others. “So you see, if you raise this rate but drop this fee, you’ll still come out even.”

“That’s if this marketing works.”

She gave him another of those penetrating looks that caused the sparks in his belly to start up and dance. “Oh, it’ll work.”

“Confident in your abilities, huh?”

“You know what, Reid? I am. Now, I’ve got the same issues as most women.” Her charming smile disarmed him. “I often wonder, does this outfit make me look fat? Is my hair the mess I think it is? Will he call like he said he would?” She smiled then turned uber professional between one breath and the next. “But one thing I’m not is deluded about my professional abilities. I won’t promise what we can’t deliver. I know how to help businesses grow and flourish, and yes, I’m damn good at what I do.”

He believed her a hundred percent. “Okay then.” He studied her right back, noticing the plump curve of her lips. The sparkle in her blue eyes.

He took his pen and signed the contract, then pushed the folder back to her, irritated that he had to work to maintain control, aware of his racing pulse. Reid was man enough to handle being attracted to a beautiful woman. Didn’t mean he had to follow his dick where it led. “But for the record, the outfit is flattering, your hair is beautiful, and if he’s dumb enough not to call back, he doesn’t deserve you.” He stood before he made a bigger fool of himself. “I’ll set up the interview with the news station and let you know.”

“Ah, right. Good.” She cleared her throat. “Once I have that information, we can meet again to prep you for it. That and I have a few more ideas I’ve been considering.”

“Great.” He just stared down at her.

“Any questions for me?” she asked, sounding way too perky.

“Yes.” He stared some more, until that bright smile dimmed. He let her see his attraction, let her know that yes, he did find her smokin’ hot.

“Your question?” she asked and licked her lips. Her gaze dropped to his mouth for a second before shooting back to his eyes. Gratified to know she felt the same chemistry, he winked at her and saw her blush again. “My question is this… Where do you get your coffee? Because that cup was amazing.”


    • 🙂 It’s a fun story, Denise. I can’t wait to see the cover too! LOL Hopefully within the next six months or so… But if you meant the Ethereal Foes cover, that should be coming soon. It’s awesome!!!

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