
Working On It! #Giveaway

Ah, formatting. The bane of my existence. Starting out 2018, I had pledged to myself to start putting my ebook titles into print. As of the end of 2017, only Bodywork and Working Out, two self-published titles, had a print version as well. I had intended for Any Given Snow Day to go to print, so I’ve been working on that. What a chore! It had been so long since I’d formatted the other two that I had to start all over.

Interested in winning a proof print copy* of Bodywork or Working Out? Comment on this post with your thoughts on who you think will win the Superbowl–just because. LOL Eagles or Patriots? *Prizes mailed to U.S. addresses only. 

I’ve already gotten two proof drafts of Any Given Snow Day, and I’m finally pleased with how it turned out. Which made me go back and redo my other two books. I made the spacing smaller and the formatting much, much cleaner. But that also took time. Such a headache.

In any case, I shall have three nice, neat, print versions ready to go in another week or so. The books are much slimmer, so I can price them less. In the meantime, I continue to get my titles back from other publishers. Getting new covers, new formatting, and adding print to the mix is a lot on top of my committed contracts. But I’m diligently working on getting everything done…mostly. 

That’s my update for 2018…so far. Now back to my latest WIP. Happy Tuesday!


  1. I REALLY hope the Eagles stomp the shit out of the Cheatriots. But I’m a Steelers fan in all honesty … I don’t care. Plus I think I have to work that night anyway LOL

  2. Congrats to Denise, bn100, and Barbara B. And don’t worry, I have plenty more books to give away. There’ll be another contest in the February newsletter coming soon!

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