
New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author

Feel the Heat CONTEST!!!!



Denise Agnew and I are having some brand spankin’ new releases this week!  Check out our books, comment on both my blog and hers to enter to win some terrific prizes, and enjoy the heat! Contest ends July 13th. Good luck!

  • I’m offering any two of my backlist in e-format and a $15 Amazon GC (comment below)
  • Denise is offering two of her backlist in e-format as well  (go to her blog here)


Book 3

A Major Distraction
Major Brad Cava has watched his siblings fall in love. He tried marriage once—it didn’t take. He’s been in a dry spell for a while, which must be why that smart-aleck at work, Ms. Genevieve St. James, is looking so good. Granted, she’s just his type. But she sets his teeth on edge with all her professional dictates and attitude at the office.

Genevieve has no idea why Major Annoying, as she likes to call the sexy Major Cava, is always on her mind. When she inadvertently catches her new mystery neighbor pleasuring himself, she automatically thinks of Cava. To her mortification, she finds out Major Hottie and her exhibitionist neighbor are one and the same.  They find themselves falling hard for each other. Until something strange happens at work, and Genevieve is blamed for things she didn’t do. Brad doesn’t seem to trust her, and she has to wonder if the love she’s beginning to feel is one-sided. When the truth comes out, Brad has to has to figure out if he can risk it all again for a woman. Has he learned from his past, or is he doomed to make the same mistakes again with a woman he can’t help loving?

Buy Links



Body Language
She runs.  She hides. But the stalker is determined to find her…

Lizbeth Cauldwell escaped the boardroom and her city life to forget a fierce attack. When she returns to the tranquility of her old home in Arizona, she discovers harmony she never expected when she takes over a bar and grill.  There she discovers another thing as mind-boggling as the evil that stalks her.  Her once skinny, shy childhood friend Thomas Giancomo has transformed into one grade-A, powerful, gorgeous man.

He never runs.  He never hides.  But a stalker is determined to hurt the woman he dares protect…

 Memories of strong, sexy Lizbeth kept ex-soldier, now cop Thomas Giancomo alive during a long stay in the harsh desert.  Thomas is determined to protect her and to feel her surrender to raw passion in his arms.  When danger draws them closer, one intense night proves that long suppressed desires and feelings are too heated to ignore. 

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  1. Major Annoying, I LOVE that. Think I’ll start calling my Sarge that. Hey, it’s a promotion. LOL! I need to add this book to my TBR pile!

  2. Thanks for a fab contest Marie.

    Can’t wait to get started on this book – love the series!!!


  3. Ooh, a new book for me to add to my wish list! Congrats Marie, on the new book! And thanks for the contest! 🙂

  4. Hi Marie! I’m looking forward to reading your books, they are sound so good! Thanks for the chance to win!

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