New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author

Free Print Books!

There’s a secret that not many readers know. And if you’re like me and have a small book budget competing against a huge wish list, then this site–ROMANCE JUNKIES–is for you. Yes, I’m biased. I own the site. No, I’m not trying to scam you. We get print books and ebooks from all the big and small publishers, and we constantly have books to give away.


Granted, mailing print books is typically limited to US and Canadian entrants only, but we also have ebooks and daily giveaways. Today, you can enter to win 1 of 5 copies of Amanda Bouchet’s amazing fantasy romance, A Promise of Fire.

Promise of Fire

There are also giveaway of the following books (click on the covers to be taken to the contests):


And we have more daily. I’m waiting on a ton of books, signed by the authors, that I collected at RWA in San Diego to giveaway to Romance Junkies readers. So spread the word and check back daily for new reviews and great reads…and FREE BOOKS!

One comment

  1. If you’re still looking for reviews, let me know. It was good to see you on Bainbridge and thanks again for lunch at Nola’s.


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