
Circe’s Recruits 2.0–The New Schedule

You’ll notice I’ve updated my release schedule and the coming soon page. A lot more releases are showing up in there! Circe’s Recruits: Gideon, was really a bridge book from the old Circs to the new group. I had thought it would be a final stand-alone when I wrote it, but Gideon’s pack is too good to pass up. So there will be three more Circe’s Recruits 2.0 books, of which GIDEON is the first. He’s no longer part of the Circe’s Recruits series. Now he’s Circe’s Recruits 2.0.

Later this year, you’ll see the rest of the guys find their mates.

  • Aug 8th– Alex
  • Sept 12th-Elijah
  • Nov 7th–Carter

And that should cap off CR 2.0 nicely.

I’m also re-releasing The Instinct series, starting with A Civilized Mating next month and A Barbarian Bonding in May, which is new. 

Then in June, two re-released Ludos Deorum books (Beasts of Burden and Jackal’s Measure) followed by a brand new LD book, title TBD. 

Lots to look forward to, and a lot to work on! More good news is I plan to FINALLY write my Amazon Western series, to release next year, and my Born Rich series, which I never quite got to, a four book contemporary series. 

I can’t wait! Happy Monday, everyone.


  1. OMG sooooooooooo happy to hear about more Circa 🙂 heck more everything 🙂 this update makes me smile … a lot. 🙂

    • YEA! It makes me smile too. I’ve missed doing some more independent stuff. Not that I don’t love my contemporaries, but hel-lo paranormal! I’ve missed you. hahaha

  2. I read the 1st Amazon Western back in Dec of 2012. But I forgot the name of the book. Fast forward to 2017 and I am looking at new series SEAL Team and the title of the first episode is “Tip of the Spear”. That jogged my memory and I went to Amazon/Goodreads looking for the book. And there it is! So here I am on your website, looking for the other books which do appear on Goodreads. Looking forward to the series.

    • Ha. Tip of the Spear was a term I heard in the military many years ago. It applied too well to my Amazon story, so I used it. Now if I could just stop time and write the darn books! I swear, every time I plan to finish that series, something else comes up. But at least the book is a stand-alone, so Thais’s story wraps up nicely.

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