New Release! Circe’s Recruits 2.0: Alex
NEW RELEASE! Circe’s Recruits 2.0: Alex, the second in the Circe’s Recruits 2.0 series, is here!
Will the beast lose himself to vengeance, or will the man lose his heart to love?
Alex never asked to be made into a monster. He tried to help his sister right a wrong, and in the process he lost her and his humanity. Angry, hurt, and doing his best to adapt to his new “pack” family, he accepts that life will never be the same. He’s even found patches of happiness in a new sense of belonging. But until he gets vengeance for Katie’s death, he can’t find peace.
Saving a group of kidnapped psychics with ties to his sister is a step in the right direction. Even better, one particular beauty promises to lead him to the enemy he’s been seeking. But will the price of his revenge come at the cost of the woman, and the family, he’s come to love?
Warning: This book contains sexual content readers may find fascinating: group play, m/m/m, m/f, m+/f and more. Expect government conspiracies, underground fighters, genetic experiments, and Shifters unlike the kind you think you know. This book is not for the faint of heart. Enjoy!
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