New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author

Check Out the New Site: A SURE THING ARC Giveaway!

The day has finally come. My website got a makeover! I was at RWA in July this past summer, meeting with my publicist from one of my publishers. And she happened to mention the website. “It’s too dark,” she said.

I groaned. Because I knew that. I’d already been checking around, looking at other author websites, getting price quotes (gulp). Back when I started writing, I had a did-it-myself site. Everyone was doing their own thing, so it wasn’t uncommon to see basic stuff. No WordPress. No Dreamweaver. No CSS. Just basic design.

Then the technology got better. I tried my hand at few new designs. They looked like I’d made them. So I ended up checking out an author I love, and impressed with her site, I looked up her designer. Thus my relationship with Atomic Cherry began. Poor John. My web guy has a ton of patience, and he’s amazing when it comes to designing what you want. I had him do the purple Marie Harte site, the “Scorching Desire, Striking Romance” site that was home to a lot more of my paranormal romance back then. Now I’m writing more contemporary, some paranormal (never fear), and needing a brighter look.

That’s why some of my covers are also getting a reboot, and why many of us authors gradually change. Adapt and overcome, or get eaten by advancement. Yeah. The new thing in websites now is clean design, ease of function and appearance. So out with the old and the dark, in with the vibrant, the pink, and the new. πŸ™‚

To celebrate the new design, I’m giving away 2 advanced reader print copies of A SURE THING, which releases November 1st!Β  A month away. Simply comment here on the website to be entered. Prize will be mailed to U.S. and Canadian addresses only (due to postage costs) Contest will end in a week, October 9th.

Tell me what you think of the new look. I’m biased; I love it. If you see any issues, let me know that too. I think we worked out all the bugs, but you never know.

Marie β™₯


  1. I love the pink heart next to the address! It’s verra easy to use, though I don’t see why you’d need a coming soon page and a release schedule? Would it not be more streamline to combine the two in some way?

    • Good point, Stephanie. I just like having the release schedule separate so you can see the entire year, in case you miss it on the Coming Soon page. Once the books are out, they are no longer “coming soon.” Plus it helps me to keep track of what’s out for the year. πŸ™‚ And too, if I have more releases in the next year, I might not put them on the Coming Soon page until I have covers (though my TMI #1 book is up because January is shockingly only a few months away.)

  2. The new site looks great Marie. I dont live in the US so not entering to giveaway. Have a great Halloween. I wish it was more popular here. Id love to have trick or treaters knock on my door.

    • Thanks, Amanda! I hate not being able to ship overseas, but the cost is prohibitive. So I try to also have other contests with e-gifts. πŸ™‚ They’ll be more to come, I promise. Halloween here is very big, especially in my neighborhood. We get swamped with kids for candy. So of course I have to get lots of bags. And if there are leftovers, well, hey, we just have to eat them.

  3. Great look. And I think your son made the right sock choice…cuz you can pick him out faster. Smart kid.

  4. I love your new website and how it is arranged. Thanks for the chance and I would love to read and review it!!

  5. Hi Marie – Love the new look to your website, it looks awesome… the heart, pink color & those HOT MEN, on the covers of your upcoming books. Thanks, for the contest. It would be great to win a copy of your book, A SURE THING.

  6. I love the new look! The pink and burgundy is very elegant, feminine and sophisticated. I do think the main scripting should be a dark gray.

  7. It was quite fun learning about cookie! We have a puppy too! Yes, he poops a lot! Mr. beefy is his name. Your son with the red socks, I can relate. The site is entertaining!!! I really enjoyed it!!

  8. Your new web site is very pleasing. I like the easy way the book covers transition with just a gentle finger touch.

  9. I love the heart you have with your name. It’s easy to see your books, the colors are just right. Great job!

  10. Your site is so bright and cheery. Everything is so easily accessible, which makes it easier to look up the reading order of your books, books coming soon etc. I love the purplish pink!!!!! I love purple too! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book.

  11. I like the new site and with the white background, the pink really pops. Your signature (name) with the pink heart, is pretty awesome. I immediately associated the colors with Breast Cancer Awareness and that’s not a bad thing either. Congratulations on your new site and of course Cookie too!!
    Happy Halloween! ????

  12. first can i ask you question and then it about the book covers do you have some one who does all your you use differnt one it great and then your site is great pop out

    • Hey Desiree. To answer your question, my publishers contract out the art work. I get a little bit of say so about the characters, but the final decision lies with them. I’ve been pretty lucky so far! As for my own titles, I have a few artists I use quite a bit. Tibbs Design just recently redid my covers for THE WORKS books, which I haven’t uploaded yet. They’re awesome! Thanks. πŸ™‚

  13. Hi Marie!
    I really like the new site! It’s clean and easy to read everything. I really like how you’ve got your books organized too. Looks Awesome!!

  14. The change is great, bright and easy on the eye layout. I clicked on the various tabs on both iPad and iMac and works excellent. I still laugh at the facts on your bio, glad you didn’t loose those, you rock πŸ˜€ love the stylized font used for your name.
    P.S. Woohoo for Oh, Canada πŸ˜‰

  15. Just took a second look (at 4:30am, what can I say I’m an early bird) and was really impressed with the bright new look; very pleasing. And yes I would love to be considered for an ARC.

  16. The site looks great Marie! I really appreciate how you have the bookshelf set up, with the separation of books by genre.

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