New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author

What fresh hell is this? An Updated Website!

The update for my website has been long in coming. But because I want to branch out and do more urban fantasy/fantasy romance, in addition to everything else, I decided I needed a new pen name and a site that can also sell my books directly! Thus SM Harte and this site were born!

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SM Harte will write in the Between the Shadows universe, which has SO MUCH content to work from it’s both exciting and a little scary. I’ve got too much on the brain, with a restructured Storm Lords series, lycans, gargoyles, a few scattered demons and rogue halflings all clamoring for their book first. These stories will be a little darker, still with humor and heat, and mostly told in 1st person point of view. Buckle up, because the Storm Lords are coming out first under the new name.

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Marie Harte—still me—is still here! Ha. I’m recovering some older titles and putting a few new ones out, but there will be less as I’ve got so much already out there. I’m also writing cozy mysteries under a different name, as those don’t have any heat and are very lighthearted. Think Hallmark plus snark and a future series with some supernatural elements. I have more coming in the future…

And my store is slowly but surely coming along. The benefits of shopping here, on this site? I control the pricing and discounts A LOT more easily. I can offer my books earlier than distributors can have them up, and I get to cut out the middleman when it comes to getting the books to you guys.

So get ready for some fun times ahead. I also plan to start blogging more and am thinking about a serialized story via the blog. I can’t wait! Let me know what you think about the site, and realize it’s still getting a few tweaks. But if you find a problem, do let me know.

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